Guaranteed: A Wondrous Life Always Found in Him

Today’s Reading: John 14:5-14

Today’s Verse: Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. John 14:19 KJV

Life is a gift from God.

It is the length of time between birth and death.

It is a sign of His goodness and plan. His love and power. His desire for all to know Him and enjoy Him.

When we acknowledge who He is in our lives a Spiritual relationship is formed.

We have a deep bond. A loyalty that far exceeds a causal relationship.

Christ promised that He would continue His care of His disciples.

By faith, we are one of His disciples.

Spiritually, He comes to us daily as a token of His love for us.

They are visits of grace.

He has promised that He will be with us at His resurrection.

He told us, “Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14:19 KJV).

No matter what we are going through, He is always there for us.

Eternal life is ours.

God will restore life to the dead and provide a fullness of life to those who believe in Him.

Life is always going to present us with challenges.

We can always find hope in the Savior.

Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6 KJV).

The rich and satisfying life that the Father longs to give us.


Father, we are all given the chance for a new life. It starts with our sincere love in our hearts regarding the Word. When we allow You to live in our hearts. That is when obedience will take its proper spot in our lives. Gratitude will be shown. We are thankful for Jesus dying for us and giving us eternal life. Please continue to transform our lives. We want to bring glory and honor to You.

In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen

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