Guaranteed: Never Again Fear for Jesus is Always Near

Read: Matthew 8:23-27

But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! Matthew 8:27 KJV

All over the world, there are times when the weather takes a drastic turn.

There are times of hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, and massive flooding.

Many times leaving death and destruction in a multitude of cities and towns.

Thankful we are when the storms we face pass through without any tragedies.

The same holds true with our spiritual lives.

There are times when storms are raging in our lives.

Those are times when we can look back at the Scriptures.

Finding comfort in knowing that we are not alone.

That things will be all right.

In Matthew 8:23-27 we read about an amazing story.

It was about a storm that hit the Sea of Galilee.

There were huge waves that threatened to flood a boat.

A boat that was carrying Jesus and the disciples.

It describes how in all their despair, the disciples woke Jesus.

They woke Him because they were fearing for their lives.

Jesus questioned why they were so fearful and of little faith.

Jesus calmed the raging waves with the power of His Word.

“The men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!” (Matthew 8:27 KJV).

They had forgotten they were with the Master of all things.

As we go through life we can expect to face some storms.

There will be times when our emotions hit us like the waves of a storm.

They can come one after another.

They can make us feel like we are not going to make it.

That our situation is greater than our faith.

They are not.

They are just a test of our faith.

Those are the times we must stand strong.

Those are the times we pray and call on the Lord.

Knowing that He has the power and authority to calm all things.

Knowing He will give us the strength we need to make the right choices.

Calming any feelings of hurt and humiliation.

Our feelings of uselessness, isolation, anger, and fear.

When in doubt, may we remember that “[We] are of God… and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in [us], than he that is in the world” (1John 4:4 KJV).

He is the One to bring peace to our troubled hearts.


Savior, we know there will be times when we begin to worry. Worry about all the things that are happening in our lives. We are so tossed and driven by them that we struggle with the thoughts of how we will make it through. Help us to remember that we are not alone. That You are always with us. That there is no situation that You cannot bring us through. Please quiet our hearts and keep us calm. Teaching us how to watch and wait until Your perfect will is done. Thank You for all You do for us.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen