Help Yourself And Others

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.  Romans 15:4 KJV 

There are many self-help books in the world.

They are written with the intention on instructing us on solving personal problems.

They instruct us on the process of sharing a common experience, challenge or concern. 

Providing knowledge on getting help, learning how to help oneself, and how to give help to others.

The best self-help book ever written is the Bible.

The instructions and examples are true testimonials that we all can live by.

Giving us the ability to get help, learn how to help ourselves, and give help to others.

When we decide to receive the Word, we become a part of the self-help movement.

A movement that is led by the Lord.

That receives instructions through the many parables found in the Scriptures.

We share like problems or situations.

Work together to understand and/or improve our situations.

Knowing and utilizing what we learn through the Scriptures.

Giving us the patience we need to succeed in life.

The wisdom we need to give us comfort and hope.

Nothing could be better than being able to help oneself and others.

That’s what the Lord’s self-help movement is all about.


 Lord, we thank You for the Word.  Our self-help manual. For being our Chief Instructor. For  giving us the help we need and the ability to help others. Our patience, comfort and hope. Thank You for it all.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen