His Love for Them – The Most Powerful Gift Given

Read: Mark 10:13-16

And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. Mark 10:16 KJV

From the time a child is conceived the blessing of the Lord can be placed upon them.

When they are born, a prayer can begin the planting of the Word in their lives.

As they grow, the more we speak the Word into their lives, their faith will grow.

The Savior has told us, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14 KJV).

The closer they get to the Lord; they will see how the Scriptures they have heard and read apply to their lives.

To the point when they begin to face the things of the world, they will know where their strength comes from.

How the Lord is taking them up in His arms, putting His hands upon them, and blessing them (Mark 10:16 KJV).

They will always know how much the Savior loves them.

A love they will feel throughout their life.

The comfort in knowing that we cared enough about them as we continue to encourage them in the Word.

Remember, we do not have to be a parent, grandparent or a relative to tell a child about the Lord.

We just have to be willing to take a child into our arms and give him or her the message of the Lord’s love for them.

The best blessing ever to be received.


Savior, we know that You have a great concern for little children. That is why you have ordered that they are able, they should be brought to You, Especially when they are able to understand His Words. Let us continue to plant the Word in their lives and help it grow by teaching them about all You will do in their lives. Showing how much we love and care for them. Showing them how much greater is the love and care You have for them. That You are always there for them. Holding them in Your arms and blessing them. Thank You for it all.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen

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