We all have things in our lives that need to be completed.
There are times when they get so hard and we feel like we have been abandoned.
Deserted, with no one around to help us or hear our cries.
Knowing that despite all the darkness we feel, we still had to complete them.
That is how Jesus was feeling as He hung on the cross.
Despite being abandoned and darkness all around Him, He cried out to God.
A cry that was a prayer.
A prayer that gave Him the strength He needed in the fulfillment of the Scriptures.
Showing us that the things we face in life and the decisions we must make can be hard.
That even though it may seem like God has forgotten and abandoned us, our prayers and reading the Scriptures, will give us the strength we need to endure.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for Jesus. For Him showing us that by talking with You in prayer is the key to our strength. The way we can fulfill what You has predestined for our lives. That no matter the darkness we face, He endured so we could enjoy the light. Help us to remain steadfast in the Word Lord.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen