Forgiving is not something we, as humans, are prone to do easily.
It isn’t always our immediate response.
Especially when we feel mistreated or that justice has not been served.
No matter how dark the moment is, our healing begins when we forgive.
It can be hard, but just like Jesus did, we can too.
He had healed, fed many and taught those who would listen.
For this, He was humiliated, mocked and beaten.
Hung on a cross between two thieves to die.
Yet, despite all of this, He asked God, the Father to forgive them.
We know it had to be hard, because He had done no wrong,
That despite all the Lord had been through, He didn’t show any anger or hatred, but love and forgiveness.
Imagine the reaction shown of the people who were there.
Hearing Him ask for their forgiveness, instead of His release.
We all should be thanking God for His forgiveness.
Asking Him to help us be more like Jesus.
Giving us the ability, no matter how hard it can be, to forgive others.
Heavenly Father, the ability to forgive can be hard. We are thankful for the grace and forgiveness You granted us, when Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, sacrificed His life for us. Because Jesus forgave, we live. Help us to forgive Father.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen