Psalms 119:18 KJV
This chapter of Psalms gives us the opportunity to look at and see the plans of the Divine law and give it honor.
The beginning of verse 17, in the King James Version, starts with the word “GIMEL”. This is Hebrew for “JUSTIFIED REPAYMENT”.
On some of our jobs, we have to travel. We have to purchase our meals, sometimes utilize our own vehicle, pay for gas and for our overnight stay.
When we return we have to present our reimbursement request with our receipts, as required by the statutes governing the business.
The request is reviewed and, if justified, the reimbursement is issued.
Doing the work of the Lord is a service we should all endeavor to do.
As we travel through life, God has statutes in place for us to follow. They are found in the Bible. The Word. Our Divine law.
When we open our eyes, begin to read the Word and see all the great things the Lord has for us, the travel experience we take, the nourishing food we receive, makes our journey in the Word the best fueling of our spirits anyone could ever ask for.
An expense that in the end has a “GIMEL”. Our place in the kingdom with the Lord.
Lord, we thank God for His laws. When we abide by them and present ourselves to You, we receive the “justified repayment”. A repayment that really exceeds what we put in and has everlasting benefits. Benefits we can enjoy here on earth, but all the greater when we get to heaven.
In Jesus Name, Amen