When you hear the word ‘babe’ you automatically think of an infant or young child.
Both of whom are considered ‘sucklings’ or one nurtured by the giving of milk.
They are someone who is innocent and has very little life experience.
As they grow their emotional or intellectual development can be seen.
The same holds true in their spiritual growth.
The Lord acknowledges that even the young has a place in ministry.
That, just like any adult, they should lack nothing in showing and giving Him praise.
They hear the Word and are willing to be used of the Lord.
And when you least expect it, they can say something that has an impact on you or someone else’s life.
Showing that they know what it means to acknowledge the love and affection the Lord has toward all men.
We can learn much from them.
Lord, we thank You for the young. For their ability to praise, speak and proclaim Your Word. To be used of You. May we all be willing to follow Your lead and the example that You have set. That no matter how young, we all have a place in spreading the Word. Thank You Savior.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen