We can get so emotionally overwhelmed that it affects our ability to think and act rationally.
It can be caused by a number of things like stress, painful life experiences, or relationship issues, just to name a few.
David prayed when he found himself in many different situations.
When we find ourselves in any situation that leaves us emotionally overwhelmed, we can do the same.
There are no situations that we encounter in which our faith in the Lord will not give us the comfort and strength we need.
Even when the enemy is trying to secretly lay a trap out for us.
Prayer is the key to helping us cancel all that the enemy is trying to do.
Cancelling all our doubts and fears.
When we walk in the way of the Lord, we reflect, with comfort, that He knows the path we should take.
Acknowledging that the Lord our God is all-sufficient and our Refuge.
That He is the hidden power we know is in control of what will happen in the future.
When we do, God will set us free from all the things that are overwhelming in our lives.
A freedom that allows us to run in the way of His commandments.
Lord, we thank You for the ability to come to You when our spirits are overwhelmed with doubts and fears. When we see the traps that the enemy has laid for us. For giving us the knowledge to know that while we walk in Your way, we can reflect with comfort an joy that You are directing our path. That You would never lead us in the wrong direction. Thank You Savior.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen