Life Values

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.  Colossians 3:2 KJV 

It is true that what we value the most helps us determine what is important in life.

They help us to grow and develop. 

They guide and motivate our attitudes or actions; how we do things.

One value we all should have is a high regard for the things of the Lord.

A deep affection or desire to spend quality time with Him and do His Will.

Learning that  we cannot place our values in both Heaven and earth.  

We have to choose.

A choice of living in sin or according to the Word.

Being heavenly-minded, living according to the Word and walking with the Lord are values that change how we conduct ourselves and frees us from sin.

Values that fill our lives with truth, love and peace.


Father, may we walk even closer with You.  Learning that Heaven and earth are not compatible.  That we must make a choice. Knowing that the choice we make will have a direct impact on our lives. That choosing to walk in a heavenly manner is the best choice we could make. A choice that fills our lives with truth, love and peace.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen