As children we are taught how to do things the right way.
To be mindful of the company we kept and the influences that are all around us.
All in an effort to keep us from causing any harm or being accused of any wrongdoings.
A way of protecting ourselves in a world full of darkness.
The right superseding the wrong.
That’s where living according to the Word is the best and only way to achieve this.
By staying in the company of God, denying ourselves and trusting in the Lord, we can stand blameless and harmless before the world.
Removing all the darkness that the world tries to bring to our lives.
Showing us how we protect ourselves.
Allowing us to be living testimonies and enlightening others.
We are His children. Letting our light shine for all the world to see.
Helping to direct their way to Christ and holiness.
Lord, we are thankful for all the wisdom You bestow on us. Giving us the ability to live blameless and harmless in this world. Let our lights continue to shine for all the world to see the love, grace and mercy You have for us all. Giving themselves to You and letting their light shine.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen