Long Life

And these are the days of the years of Abraham’s life which he lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years.  Genesis 25:7 KJV

Longevity is something that we all have hoped for. 

Be it the long duration of our individual life or the life of someone we know and love.

A life that is thriving in health, sincerity, strength and success.  

Abraham, a follower of Christ, is just one example of longevity.

During his lifetime he had the wisdom and knowledge to put his house in order.

He showed good and careful judgment when handling things in his life. He made wise decisions.

He was a testimony to his family, exhibiting his belief in the faithfulness and goodness Christ.

The same should hold true for all of us.

No matter if our life is long or short we should leave behind a testimony.

Showing our family, and all that knew us, that we were living a life of faith, just like Abraham.

That our trust was in the Lord and His Word.


Lord, whether our stay in this life is long or short, we pray we will leave behind a testimony to the faithfulness and goodness of You, Lord. Leaving good examples for our families and those we know, of the blessings You bestowed on us.  Blessings they can receive also. Thank You Savior.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen