Just like in the Bible days, there is still so much division in the world.
That’s why God gave us commandments to rectify these divisions.
We just need to adhere to them.
One of these commandments is “Love.” “Agape Love.”
Paul wrote a great hymn regarding this Love in 1 Corinthians 13.
That Agape Love is that which God desires us to walk in.
Agape Love that is patient and kind.
Not envious, boastful, arrogant or rude.
Does not insist on its own way.
Is not irritable or resentful.
Does not rejoice in wrongdoing.
An Agape Love that rejoices in the truth.
The truth that, “God is Love” and always there for us.
When we give ourselves to Him and follow His example to love each other, we show this love.
We become living testimonies for all to see the benefits of what Agape Love brings to all that are His.
Lord, times are hard, making it difficult for some to exhibit the same love You have for us. Help us to remember that all things are possible through You. That Your Agape Love is still here for us all and we are to show it to each other. Encouraging them to also seek this love through the Word. Your Love. Thank You Savior.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen