Read: Colossians 3:1-4
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2 KJV
It is shown by those who have an awareness and understanding regarding the feelings of others.
They are aware and understand the needs of others.
It also helps us to be alert of the dangers that may be trying to surface in our lives.
That is where our Spiritual Sensitivity must be maintained.
The Father has told us to, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2 KJV).
When we decided to accept Christ, we were born again and dead to sin.
By His saving grace, sin’s dominion and power were broken.
The Holy Spirit mortifies the lusts of the flesh.
Making it where we are able to take no thoughts for earthly things.
A Spirit that is a stream of living water which by faith it flows.
Giving us the desire to do those things that are heavenly.
We must continue to be determined to walk with the Lord and follow His ways.
Vowing to not do anything that would diminish our love for Him or His Word.
Nothing that will keep us from praying to Him for guidance.
To faithfully be the one to do our Christian service.
Happily being the one to do those things that would defeat sinful attitudes.
To cease from worldly practices.
To even look at those things that may not be harmful to our lives.
It can be something worthwhile, but it may be contrary to God’s will for our lives.
He already knows the path we should take.
As we travel on this Christian journey, let us keep our minds on the things above.
Putting away all our old practices.
Remembering that Christ lives in us by His Spirit, and we live in Him in all we do.
Making sure to keep our hearts and minds focused on the Savior.
The best way for us to avoid whatever keeps us from doing His will.
Living by the Word, keeps us walking closely with God in gospel obedience.
The best way for us to keep our minds on the things above,
Putting off any of the old things we used to do.
Father, help us to realize the questionable practices and attitudes in our lives. That we set our affections on things above, and not on the things on the earth. We know that sin has no place in our lives. We are striving to increase our love for You, the Word and those around us. It is the only way to maintain our Spiritual Sensitivity. Thank You for always letting us know what we need to do.
In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen