My Rock

And he said, The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer.
2 Samuel 22:2 KJV

When we think about a rock, we picture a naturally occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals or  matter.

A solid mass that allows for resistance anytime force is applied. 

Something that has strength due to the mineral substances or matter it is made of.

A substance that is secure.

That is how David looked at the Lord.

In his tribute of thanksgiving to the Lord, he saw Him as “The Rock.”

There to help keep him from all hurt, harm or danger.

The solid mass that was there to help him resist all the temptations that came his way.

Providing him with the mineral and matter that was needed to give him the strength to continue on in faith.

For the deliverance He granted him when facing his many enemies.

We should acknowledge Him in the same manner.

Through all the trials and tribulations we have faced so far, and will in the future, He has and will prove himself faithful to us.

Take the time to give Him thanks for preserving us.

For protecting and keeping us safe from injury, harm, or destruction.


Lord, when the forces of life try to hinder us, let us remember there is no mass greater than the almighty God. He who reigns forevermore. That time and time again, He has been the Solid Rock on whom we can stand.  We give God all the thanks, honor and praise for the things He has done and will do in our lives.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen