Needed To Succeed

I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.  John 5:30 KJV

We all have thoughts or ideas that we express  verbally or in writing.

We know we cannot accomplish everything on our own.

We even seek suggestions as to a possible course of action regarding the ideas that come to mind.

Desiring to obtain a positive, successful outcome.

The Lord is our prime example of what it means to rely on good advice.

He looked to the Father, followed His advice resulting in the Him having success in all He endeavored to do.

That is why He directs us to the Father.

Because He knows what the will of the Father is for our lives.

That to follow His example and lean on the Father will give us the strength, wisdom, courage and power needed to succeed.

All things are possible when we follow the wise counsel the Lord gives us.

Make the right decision.

There is a Divine purpose for all of our lives.


Heavenly Father,  we thank You for Jesus being the example, leading us to You for the wise counsel we need. That by praying and looking to the Scriptures would ensure that we make the right judgment call and abide by Your will.  Thank You, Father, for the strength, wisdom, courage and determination needed to succeed.

 In Jesus name we pray, Amen