Our Choice Is A Test

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.  Genesis 3:6 KJV 

We have all seen things that were tempting to us.

The way it looked and was presented had a certain appeal that made it hard to resist.

We had to do all we could to resist the temptation, but often we lose the trust or faith we have in ourselves and make a bad decision.

Wishing we had done things in a different way.

Eve found herself in a position in which she needed to resist temptation.

To keep her trust and faith in what God had told her.

The serpent, aka satan, came to her and made an appealing presentation regarding the fruit on a tree in the garden.

A tree that God had told Adam and herself to avoid.

To not eat of that fruit.

The more the serpent talked to her, the more she looked at it.

She was loving what she was seeing, how appealing the fruit looked.

So much so, she began to trust in what he was telling her. To the point she tasted the fruit.

Committing a sin against God.

Because it was delicious to her, she took it to Adam and persuaded him to take a bite also.

He could have resisted but didn’t.  Committing a sin against God also.

That is what satan does to all of us.

He presents us with tempting offers, that we know are a sin and God does not approve of. 

We must not be sinful or disobedient, but keep our trust in God.

He has our best interest in mind.

Will you make the right choice and pass the test?


Heavenly Father, along life’s road we will have temptations. Let us remember that every temptation we face is our opportunity to trust You more. With Your help and us listening to You, we will make the right choices.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen