We all know that when we are doing something that we like, it brings pleasure.
That it is hard to find pleasure when we are physically or emotionally weak.
When we have feelings of disappointment.
A serous need for something, but we don’t know how we will get it.
Times when we experience hostility, anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
These are the times we need to take to heart the words of the apostle Paul.
He had a conversation with the Lord.
A conversation in which the Lord told him that no matter the situation His grace would be there.
Paul received and acknowledged his belief in what the Lord had said.
That he trusted and knew the Lord would be with him.
As believers, His message holds true for us also.
That in our times of weakness, He is there to bring us through.
Motivating, leading and teaching us.
Giving us the ability to tell all, that we know it is the Lord who gives us strength and comfort in our weakest moments.
That no matter the situations we are facing, He is there to make our lives more cheerful and appealing.
Lord, help us to remember that when we feel weak, because of all the things that are happening in our lives, that we can be strong because of Your grace. Thank You for our ability to come to You. Our everlasting strength in a time of weakness. The motivation that we need.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen