Overcome: Before You Forget His Love Has no Boundaries

Read: John 4:1-15

Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. John 4:9 KJV

There is no doubt that when we open our hearts to the Lord, He will always open our eyes to see those who are lost.

It will not matter where they come from.

His desire is for all to come to know Him and believe.

Jesus is always looking beyond our religious barriers to the hearts of mankind.

We see this shown in His actions toward the Samaritan woman He met at a well.

The Savior was born of God’s Spirit.

He knew all about a person’s spiritual needs.

Any heart filled with hardness, He sought to soften it.

For those who did wrong and felt bad about it, He filled their hearts with forgiveness and joy.

If there were any that He felt had a hungry heart, He would speak a Word that made them desire more.

There were no religious barriers that could keep His heart from being able to touch the hearts of His hearers.

For the Samaritan woman, He saw the opportunity to teach her Divine things.

He showed her how her lack of knowledge and sinfulness was taking over her life.

Her need for a Savior.

One that will lead her in the right direction.

The knowledge He gave her made it possible for her to be converted.

As we walk by faith, keeping our trust in the Lord, He will show us the spiritual needs of others.

He knows what we all have a need for in our lives.

His grace and comforts will satisfy our thirsting souls.

There will be those who question us like the Samaritan woman did with Jesus (John 4:9 KJV).

That is to be expected.

Remember the Savior has already laid the path for us to follow.

His love will always give us the knowledge and wisdom needed to speak to others.


Father, You have called us to be witnesses to others about the love You have for us. How Jesus came to bear our sins so we could be forgiven our sins. We open our hearts to Your command to tell others of Your love. We desire that others will come to know You like we do. Thank You for blessing and keeping us.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen

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