Who is he that hideth counsel with out knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.  Job 42:3 KJV 

We have all had some things go wrong in our lives or not the way we feel they should go.

We look to blame someone or something else for our situation.

These things can even lead to feelings of strong opposition, excuses or sinful actions.

The questioning of God on why He is allowing certain things to happen and the feeling like He does not care.

We understand not.

This is when we should humbly submit ourselves to the Lord as Job did and acknowledge our shortcomings, our misunderstandings, that bring us shame.

When we do, our understanding is made better by the Spirit of grace and our knowledge of Divine things will make our lives so much better. 

The Lord loves us and despite our shame, when we confess our faults, misunderstandings and sins to Him, His grace and mercy will always be there for us.  There to give us a better outcome.


Lord, we don’t always know why things are happening a certain way in our lives.  What we do know is that before we lay blame on anyone, we need to check ourselves, acknowledge our faults and know that You are there to help us understand.  Situations are a part of life but You have not left us.  You are there to help us through it all. There to give us a better outcome.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

In Jesus name we pray, Amen