We have all had a strong urge to have or do something that we really should not have or do.
An urge that is bad, wrong or unwise.
Something inside tells us to wait or to not do it, but the temptation is so strong we tend to give in.
We lose all self-control.
We have all been told to choose what we have or what we do wisely.
That is what God is saying to us through the Bible, His Word.
He allows us to face temptations by allowing us to freely choose to faithfully trust in the Word or be unfaithful and trust that we can do things on our own.
Choosing to do things on our own or our way will cause us more harm than good.
Choosing to trust in the Lord and abide by the Word gives us the ability to defeat any temptation that comes our way. Resulting in the best outcome.
Lord, You are the holy, peaceable, and benevolent Spirit that is always there to disarm the enemy. There are no temptations You can’t help us bear. We are choosing to hold fast to your Word and disarm the enemy. We know we have the victory in You Lord.
In Jesus Name we pray, Amen