Attitude Change: This is What Successful Life Looks Like

Read: Philippians 2:1-6 / John 3:22-36

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Philippians 2:3 KJV

We have an attitude that pleases God when we set aside selfish ambitions.

When we take the time to seek the good in others.

It could be that you have been doing something for a long time, but there is someone else that can also do the job.

There are so many who deserve to utilize their skills and abilities.

We should not take offense to them having a chance to contribute.

The Word tells us, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other[s] better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3 KJV).

There will always be some who feel uncomfortable when trying to see how they can adhere to this command.

The same holds true in our Christian lives.

We all have skills that help in promoting the Kingdom.

The Father desires us to make use of all of them.

He may have us doing something for a minute and then have someone else take the wheel.

It does not mean our work is done.

John the Baptist is one who exhibited a good attitude regarding change.

The crowds that had been following him left him and began to follow Jesus.

His attitude toward this change was one that probably surprised the people.

He acknowledged that “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30 KJV).

He was able to set aside any selfish ambitions.

He knew he was helping to pave the way for Christ’s coming.

He knew that there would be a time for Jesus to take the spot of ministering to the people.

But he also knew there would be others that would enter his life.

Ones that needed to be baptized.

His job was not done.

There was still a common good to be manifested by all involved.

Keep a good attitude.

We want to experience the benefits of God’s compassion and love towards us.

It is most felt when we are compassionate to one another.

He knows the position we are best suited to work in.

So take no offense to the change.

It is for our good and the good of the Kingdom.

He has something already in place for each of us to do.

One that will always end in a positive way.


Savior, we know that kindness is what You expect of us. That if we are not showing compassion to one another, we should not expect to obtain compassion from You. A benefit we should always want. May we continue in Your ways of showing kindness to one another. It makes a significant difference for those who are watching how we live. We are not to be self-serving. We are to be a support to one another. Knowing that we each have something to do in spreading the Word. Thank You Savior for the examples in the Word that show it can be done.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen