Authentic: This is What Perfect Justice Really Looks Like

Read: Revelation 20:11-15

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Revelation 20:12 KJV

Throughout our lives, we will encounter times of trouble.

Times when someone may have to stand before a judge.

Some may be falsely accused of something but still have to bear the punishment for it.

Knowing that they had done nothing wrong, it was hard to prove it.

The words of those spoke to did not convince anyone of their innocence.

In this passage it is speaking to the last and general resurrection.

That no type of injustice will ever occur when we stand before the Father.

It is telling us about the day when the unsaved will stand before God, the Supreme Judge.

If we have done wrong and have not repented of sin, He knows all about it.

There will not be anyone present who will bear the blame for another person’s guilt.

No one will be there to bear witness on their behalf.

They will not be able to say they got a bad reputation because of something they did not do.

All the charges will be confirmed by the record of our lives.

They will be found in the books that show our works.

Hopefully, their lives had changed.

The Book of Life will also be opened.

If their names are not found therein, it will prove they never put their trust in Christ.

He paid the price for all be changed and to have a life in Heaven.

That is why we really must urge all that we can to accept Christ.

To receive a pardon for their sins before it is too late.


Savior, we know that we find perfect justice through You. That there will be a time when we will be called upon to stand before the Throne. We want it to be a time when we receive Your praise. Not at time when we regret what You have to say. Knowing what our final outcome will be. Help us to never forget that now is the time to change the way we live. So when the time comes, we will be prepared. Thank You for the Word and all the directions on how we should live. We want to hear You say, “Well Done!”

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen