His Word: Outstanding, Fantastic, and Really Sweeter Than Honey

Read: Psalms 199:97-104

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalms 119:103 KJV

Honey is a sticky, yellowish-brown fluid made by bees and other insects.

It is made from nectar collected from flowers and eaten as a sweet food.

The flowers must be ones that grew strong, so that the nectar would allow the bees to produce good honey.

One that is so sweet to the taste.

The same holds true when we think about our faith in the Word.

Our souls have their taste desire as well as the body.

It is seen in our faith.

Our faith in God is like the flowering of a plant.

It needs the nourishment of the Scriptures to help it grow strong.

The more we study, the sweeter our lives become.

Without the proper nourishment, our faith will wither.

The Scriptures have told us, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17 KJV).

That is why having a good spiritual appetite for the Bible is of significant importance.

Our witnessing will even be greater.

Just like we look at reviews about certain products before we by them, our testimonies are needed.

We will bear witness to the truth of what the Psalmist is saying.

The more we feast on the Scriptures, we will see for ourselves and say like the Psalmist, “How sweet are [His] words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalms 119:103 KJV),

The sweetness found in a well-read Bible is the first step to receiving the sweetness needed for a well-fed soul.


Father, Your love for us is sweeter than the honey in a honeycomb. The more we feast upon the Word, the sweeter our lives become. You give us directions in every area of our lives. We put our trust in You. Thank You for setting a table before us.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen