Forgotten – Little Tempting Things are Still Great in Sin

Read: Daniel 1

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Daniel 1:8 KJV

The temptations of this world are big and small.

We tend to look at the bigger ones and strive to keep from doing them.

But we tend to forget that even the small one’s matter.

They may be small in our sight, but the more we make them the greater they become.

We must take heed to all we do, especially as a Christian who is walking in faith.

We must not let anyone, or anything, keep us from living according to the Word.

In Daniel One we see where the Prophet David and his three friends were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon.

The king wanted to change their names because he knew that their Hebrew name meant they had something of God in them.

He wanted to change their names in an effort to make them forget the God of their fathers.

The One that was the Guide of their youth.

Daniel and his friends did not accept the change.

No matter what they called them, they still held fast to the spirit of an Israelite.

They continued to acknowledge God and stand firm in their faith.

They were taking exceptional care not to partake of Babylonian sins.

Even when they were being told to eat food that according to their religious faith was known to be unclean, they refused to eat it (Daniel 1:8 KJV).

For some it may seem like a little thing, but it has great meaning.

Daniel and his three friends showed what it meant to defeat our fears and remain steadfast in faith.

How we can keep sin and temptation at a distance when it comes our way.

To make the decisions to be obedient to God in everything.

Every day we will be tempted.

We will always defeat it when we stand fast in the Word.


Savior, let us be like Daniel. Being strong in faith and not letting sin dwell in our lives. Remembering that even just one little sin goes against all that You have told us. Realizing how much harm it will bring to our lives. Day by day, help us to recognize all sins, whether big or small. To defeat them before they can get any bigger. We know it can be done by living by the Word. Help us to continue to live by faith and resist all the sins that come our way. We know there is no temptation that You cannot bring us through.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen