Humble: Now is the Time – See Wonderful Things Happen

Read: Luke 14:8-14 / Daniel 4:28-37

For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Luke 14:11 KJV

When we hear the word ‘rule,’ we think about how we are to oversee something.

In government, it means that someone has the power or authority over an area and its people.

How they oversee things has a significant impact.

King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon was a ruler.

He was in a position of authority.

Unfortunately, he was also one who abused his position.

He felt because of his position he deserved to be highly acknowledged.

He took offense when approached on how he was overseeing things.

“The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?” (Daniel 4:30 KJV).

God was not pleased with his actions.

Nebuchadnezzar was driven into the wilderness.

He was made to live off the land like the beast of the wilderness (Daniel 4:31-33 KJV).

With time, he began to realize the error of his ways.

His testimony expressed his feelings.

In Daniel 4:31 KJV, he lifted his eyes to Heaven and his understanding returned to him.

He blessed the “most High” and “praised and Honoured him that liveth for ever.”

Telling everyone that “[God’s] dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation,”

He realized his way of life must change.

It was a lesson learned.

That all those with any type of authority must first learn to be humble.

An example of how we are not to live.

How our chastisement can be hard.

The Word tells us, “For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted” (Luke 14:11 KJV).

The Father has put us all in a position to rule in some manner.

That we are not to let our position cause us to behave in a bad way.

How we must remain humble.

In our everyday lives, the Savior makes note of what we do.

He knows that our pride can bring us to a low point.

Daily we must remind ourselves that nothing should be done for the recognition.

Everything should be done out of our love for Him.

Out of our love for one another.

The Savior is the one that really knows all about what it means to be humble.

He is the greatest example of what it means.

He is teaching us to be humble.

That it is not a sign of weakness; it is so much greater.

There will always be someone who looks to us for guidance.

We all must be ready.

The Lord is leading and guiding us in the ways most beneficial to all.

He wants us to be good examples.

He wants everyone to know what it means to be humble.

Living according to the Word is the best way to accomplish this.

The way to defeat the desire to be recognized by others as the one with all the power.

There is nothing wrong with being humble.

Some feel it is a sign of weakness.

That is far from the truth.

It really is one of the greatest forms of power.

One that stays forever strong.

When we let God use us, positive changes always happen.

To be humble is just one of them.


Father, there are many in a position of authority. You have told us that anyone with authority must learn great humility. That we must listen to what the Savior is telling us. That we are to live according to the Word. May we let the many examples found in our reading of the Word help us to strive to be obedient. We know that when we do, our lives are better than blessed. Thank You for giving us the change to live a humble and positive life.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen