We all have had problems submitting to someone in a position of authority.
I was reading a devotional where a gentleman was responding to a friend.
He had a job-related problem dealing with submitting to authority.
So much so, he was thinking of quitting his job.
The response of the friend came in the form of a question.
A question that caused him to think.
I’m not sure if he was a “man of the cloth”, but his words showed spiritual knowledge.
He said, “if God wants to make you a diamond, then He is going to chisel away your rough spots, using His authority over you. If you throw away this hammer, don’t you think He’ll pick up another in the next place you go?”
There is power in the words we speak one to another.
That’s why God teaches us to respect and submit to those in leadership.
He has placed them in our lives for our good.
To help take away the rough spots in our lives.
In the end, making us to shine.
They are everywhere we go and are individuals who can relate to our situations.
The Lord is earnestly telling us that He has the power to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
And He is doing some of it through those He has chosen to lead.
Those that are called to serve and honor the Lord as ministers of the gospel.
They are here to show care about the spiritual welfare of us all.
Lord, it is our duty to know the ministers you have placed in our lives. Ones that truly serve and honor You. Thank You for giving them the ability to give us good counsel. To warn us of any dangers we could face and the consequences of our actions. No matter where we go, let us recognize the ministers of the Word You have sent. Those that know and live according to the Scriptures.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen