Plan Of Action

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.  1 Thessalonians 5:8 KJV 

In certain sports there is equipment that needs to be worn to protect the player.

Protection that can range from the crowns of their head to the soles of their feet.

All that they need to be ready for the upcoming competition and all that it may bring.


That’s what the Lord wants for us.

Protection that comes in the form of our Spiritual Armour.

A Spiritual Armour that is obtained through the Word.

When we are equipped with It, we show faith, love and hope.

Faith, because we know that God is always looking out for us.

He has the perfect game plan.

Giving us reason enough to remain watchful and sober in all that we do.

Knowing that His love is always there for us.

There to comfort and guide us.

Giving us undying hope in our salvation.

Hope that lets nothing take away our trust in the Lord.

In the end, because of this protection, we are winners.

Winners that should be rejoicing in prayer and praise for the victory the Lord has given us.


Lord, we know that when we express our faith, love and hope in You, You are our protection.  Our Spiritual  Armour.  All we need to be winners in this life.  We know that You are an ever-flowing and an over-flowing Spiritual Armour of grace.  There to supply all our wants and needs.  Guiding us through it all. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen