Powerful: All Things are Possible When You Really Believe

Read: Mark 9:14-25 19459

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Mark 9:23 KJV

There was a one in the multitude that came to Jesus regarding his son which had a “dumb spirit” (Mark 9: 17 KJV).

Because he had just seen the disciples who were powerless to cast out the spirit, he had doubts about Christ being able help them.

He said to Jesus, “but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us” (Mark 9:22 KJV).

The “if” in his plea gave reason for concern.

It had been put in the wrong place.

Because of the man’s previous disappointment, there was doubt.

He had lost faith that anything could be done for them.

The Savior did not command him to change his wording but did put it where it belonged.

“Jesus said unto him, ‘If’ thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23 KJV).

He was trying to show the scribe how there should be no ‘if’ about His power or willingness.

That the ‘if’ belonged somewhere else.

When the man heard this his trust was strengthening.

He humbly asked for the help desired to overcome his unbelief.

Because of this increase in faith, Jesus spoke the Word, and the boy was healed.

We have all been in a position when we have seen an ‘if’ in our situation.

Where it has been put in the wrong spot while questioning ‘if’ Jesus will help us overcome a sinful habit.

Questioning, ‘if’ He can change our lives.

Those are the times we must acknowledge that He can and will do just as He said.

Do not misplace your ‘if.’

Remember the Savior’s will for your life.


Father, we know that all things are possible when we put our trust in You. You have told us when we have faith in the size of a mustard seed we grow stronger. Nothing will cause us to have doubts about what You can and will do in our lives. We are thankful for the grace and mercy You show us day by day. Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen