Powerful Music: Awesome When Praise Words of Hope Sung

Read: Psalms 108

I will praise thee, O LORD, among the people: and I will sing praises unto thee among the nations. Psalms 108:3 KJV

Let it be known that music really does have power.

The rhythm and beat set the tone of our atmosphere.

The words we choose have an impact on others’ lives as well as our own.

It has a way to make our atmosphere better, peaceful, joyful, loving, or calm.

One that makes things great in our lives.

We all want a positive atmosphere.

But it is not always this way.

There will be times when it can cause the atmosphere to be one of sadness, hurt, violence, or hatefulness.

In this world, there are so many songs that contain lyrics that have a harmful effect.

There are millions who are captivated by their catchy tunes and rhythmic beats.

They are not paying attention to what the lyrics mean.

The impact that the words are having on their lives.

That is why we must be careful about the songs we listen to and sing.

It does not matter if they are traditional, contemporary, sacred, or secular.

In this passage, David is one whom God gifted with musical abilities.

He was an enthusiastic singer of Israel.

He was one who was always providing many great expressions of praise.

We see it all throughout the Book of Psalms.

It did not matter if he was feeling joy or pain.

His words were ones that sing of praise and thanksgiving.

Words unto the Lord that were uplifting.

Words that inspire all that heard them.

Music definitely has power.

We all know that the Devil hates it when we sing songs of praise.

Because he is the head of all things that are meant to bring harm to our lives.

He knows that music is one of our ways to convey our feelings.

He does not like it when we put our hearts and souls into it.

Showing that we are truly seeking the Lord for His guidance.

That we will praise the Lord among the people,

That we will sing praises unto Him among the nations.


Father, we know that we can find deliverance in our words of praise to You. That the music and lyrics we sing will forever tell You of what we are feeling. It also can affect the way someone else may be feeling. Let us continue to use music and lyrics in a positive way. Being mindful of the sound and the words we sing. We know that is our way to give You praise. To let others know of Your wondrous ways. Music has power. May we use it for good.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen