Prayer – Be Ready to Be Given Really Excellent Responses

Read: Isaiah 65:17-25 / Daniel 9-1-6, 20-23

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24 KJV

There is no doubt that technology has taken us a long way.

It has changed the way we are able to reach one another.

When we have an issue that needs to be resolved, we have telephones, text messaging, emails, and other means of communication.

Our way of corresponding faster.

The only problem is we may not be able to reach anyone.

Therefore we are not able to get a response from the person we are trying to reach.

We may have to leave messages, hoping to get a return call.

We may send emails or text messages that go unanswered.

We have to wonder if they were even received.

There may be times when we get transferred multiple times before we get the assistance needed.

Sometimes we may even have to make an appointment to get an answer to our concerns.

It is good to know that it is different when it comes to our prayers.

Prayer is our open line to Heaven.

There is no appointment needed.

Our prayers are never put on hold or forwarded to someone else.

Our emails and text messages are not in a bold state as unread.

Every prayer goes directly to Him.

He is always prepared to answer.

And He always will.

In fact, He is already answering them before He gets them.

The Bible tells us, “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24 KJV).

The Savior knows what is on the hearts and minds of His people.

He always knows what we need and what is good for us.

Daniel testified to this fact.

He has told us, “Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation” (See Daniel 9:20-23 KJV).

This always brings comfort.

Just knowing that even while we are praying, the Savior is already sending a blessing our way.

Technology is good, but not always available.

It is always in need of repair.

It is always being updated.

Leaving some without the ability to use what they have.

Prayer is faster, better, and more dependable.

There are no down times.

It does not need to be updated to compete with the changes in the world.

Nothing can keep us from getting through to Him.

We know that Savior always receives them.

They are only lost or delayed when we stop in the middle of sending them.

Let nothing stop us from praying.

It is full of power and gives us positive results.

There is no better way to enjoy the fruits of our labors.

Prayer is our twenty-four-hour open line to Heaven.

There is nothing that can compare.

Let us continue to use it.

Prayer is the greatest thing the any of us can have.


Father, we know that technology can be good when we need to communicate with someone quickly. But it is not always dependable. The contact we desire does not always happen like we would like. We do not always get a response. Times like these are the reason we are glad to know that prayer is much better. We know that there will never be a problem while we are talking to You. You really do hear us and never fail to respond. You have an answer to our situation before we even say anything. You already know about it. You already have a plan in place. One that will always end with blessings. Thank You for being there to receive and hear all our prayers.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen

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