Prayer Is The Key

And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.  Matthew 26:39 KJV

Life is full of situations.

Different sets of circumstances that we can find ourselves in. 

The many pressures of life that can overtake us.

Times when we need to know how to handle them. 

Times when we need to understand the sacrifices we must make to continue to press on.

It can be hard and difficult to do at times.

Jesus is our prime example of how to deal with our hard and difficult times.

In all the things He was going through, He showed us that prayer is the key.

Something that we need to do no matter the situation.

That prayer is essential in our communication with God.

Prayer is our way of talking to Him about our situations and asking Him to help us to sort things out.

Then waiting for the answer.

Knowing that we have to be willing to accept it and follow His directions.

That’s what Jesus was doing when He prayed to God asking that the cup might pass.

Wanting all the pressures He was facing to be lifted and gone.

But that if they weren’t, He was still ready to bear the load.

Knowing that His will to submit would manifest our redemption and salvation.

There will come a time when we need to fall on our faces and pray.

So that in the end, we can bear any load we carry and continue to press forward.

Prayer is the key and our faith unlocks the doors.


Heavenly Father, help us to remember that even as Jesus fell on His knees and prayed, we should be doing the same.  That even though we may want things to go a different way, we must press on, letting Your will be done. Thanking You for listening to and guiding us in everything we do.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen