
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.  Matthew 24:44: KJV

Predictions.  One of the characteristics exhibited by man.

For centuries man has attempted to forecast how something will happen. 

A way of influencing how we think and act.

Some correct.  Some incorrect.

When it comes to the day and time of the return of our Savior, the predictions will always be incorrect.

The only beforehand knowledge that we have is that it will occur.

A knowledge that comes to us through the Word.

The only true and correct source of predictions that prepares us for all things and warns us of the things to come.

Don’t be swayed by those that claim to know the exact day or time the Lord shall appear.  They are always incorrect.


Lord, we know not the day nor the hour You shall appear.  We pray that we are found living according to the Word, that we have no fears or doubts, but ever rejoicing in Your coming. 

In Jesus name we pray, Amen