The world is governed by laws.
They are rules of conduct developed by a controlling authority.
Controlling authorities such as, a legislative body or a government entity.
Any administration authorized to create and implement laws.
The justice system is there to enforce the law.
It is not always able to resist external forces.
Therefore changing the law as it sees fit.
Unlike the justice system of the world, Divine justice stands by the laws of God.
Not changing the final judgements to be rendered.
God had put into place laws that Adam and Eve should have followed but weren’t able to.
They couldn’t resist the temptations of satan. An external force leading to despair.
As such, humanity was now in a sinful state.
This caused the Father to find fault with all man and openly show His dislike of sin.
He showed all this through the sufferings of Jesus, His Son.
Jesus, being sinless, came in the flesh and sacrificed His life for our sins.
The Father allowed this so that all sinners are given the opportunity to become true believers living according to His Word.
Divine justice and a final judgement is still being rendered by God.
A conviction that should inspire us to keep striving to remain sinless.
Heavenly Father, we know You do not like the fact that man is not living according to the Word. That You were implementing Divine justice when Jesus died for our sins. Giving us a way to repent and receive Your forgiveness. A forgiveness that is the way to salvation for all that desire to repent of their sins and be called to do Your will. Thank You, because it could have went the opposite way.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen