Today’s Reading: Haggai 2:15-23
Today’s Verse: In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts. Haggai 2:23 KJV
In ancient times, a signet ring was used as a way of identification.
Instead of someone signing their name, they would press their ring into hot wax or soft clay.
Making a mark that would seal the document.
The Father has a way to use us as a signet ring.
In this passage, the prophet Haggai is calling for the people of God to restart the rebuilding of the temple.
They were now returning to their homeland, after being forced to leave their country.
They were beginning the process of rebuilding.
But their project was halted when they faced enemy opposition.
Haggai had a message for them.
It contained God’s promises.
One of which He made to Zerubbabel, Jidah’s leader.
A promise that he had been chosen and set apart as their leader, like a signet ring (Haggai 2:23 KJV).
He would be the one to help lead the people to victory over their enemies.
As God’s children, we too make a mark on the world.
The Father desires that we all be His heirs and ambassadors.
Our call is to help defeat the enemies of this world.
We do it as we spread the gospel.
We do it by sharing His grace through loving our neighbors.
We do it as we work to end situations where someone is wrongly treated.
Like the Savior, we desire all to have the same opportunities and freedoms.
Each of us has our own unique stamp.
It reveals how we are created in God’s image.
It expresses our individual gifts, passions, and wisdom.
Showing we acknowledge our call to be a signet ring in God’s world.
There will always be changes that take place on earth.
But we must continue to exhibit the comfort, honor, and happiness He gives His people.
To be the one who always shares His love in the world.
Now is the time.
Now is the season.
You are chosen.
Be the signet ring He has called you to be.
Savior, we know that You are the Signet on God’s right hand. That all power is given to You. How You desire to make us like Your signet ring. Because we have already been chosen of You. Help us to know our true identity. That we are heirs to You. Promoting the comfort, honor, and happiness You bring. Thank You for allowing us to be a signet ring.
In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen