To visit the grave of, or place, a loved one or friend was laid to rest can still bring a feeling of unhappiness.
But the more you think about the good times, those feelings can turn to joy.
A joy in knowing that they lived their life to the fullest.
Especially if they had received Jesus as their Savior.
Joyful that you will see them again someday.
Our visits are nothing like the one Mary, and the other women with her, encountered.
A life changing encounter they had when they went to visit the burial site of Jesus.
The tomb was empty, which gave them fear.
But their encounter with an angel that was present gave them great joy.
Joy because they saw and received the fact that Jesus had risen from the grave.
They took this fear and joy, and went running to tell the disciples all about their encounter.
Spreading the good news of Jesus’ resurrection.
As followers of Christ, our fears and joys should give us even more reason to tell others about our relationship with the Lord.
Telling them all about our communion with Him and all that God has done for us.
How His Spirit gives us the courage to overcome our fears and share all our joys.
Praying they will allow Him to graciously manifest Himself to them also.
That they will run and tell others about the Lord and what He has done for them.
Lord, it was a blessing that You allowed an angel to bring a Word to Mary and the women with her. That they were obedient in telling the disciples about Your rising from the grave. That as we become obedient to the Word, You will be with us. Letting nothing hinder our witnessing to all who will listen. Letting Your way be made known throughout the earth.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen