Caring for and showing love to our mother, father or parent is something we all should do.
No matter what is occurring in our lives, God has placed us in their care and they should never be forgotten or neglected.
Even if you need to have someone assist you with their care.
When Jesus was dying on the cross, in much pain, His heartfelt love for His mother was expressed.
He then spoke to John regarding him taking care of His mother from that time forward. And John did.
Showing us that we all should be honoring our parents, providing for their needs and comforting them in every way possible.
Knowing that when we are living according to the examples of the Lord, when one comfort is removed from us, He brings forth another one.
Comforts that can come in many forms.
Live-in support, a call, a card, or any other support you can give to name a few.
But most of all, showing love.
Many blessings come when we choose to follow the Lord’s example.
Lord, Thank You for showing us that even until our dying day, we are to show love and care to our mother, father or parent. The one that was there for us. Showing it by being there for them in any way we can. Making sure they are well taken care of. Praying that there is someone around to assist us if needed. Thank You again Lord for being the example that we needed.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen