Taken By God

And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.  Genesis 5:24 KJV 

Life is full of situations that can cause disagreements.

Taking a step towards making one view or belief compatible with another is how things are reconciled.

When we decide to repent of our sins, we acknowledge that we are in agreement with God and the Word.

That we are ready to begin our walk with Him.

That we are following the example of Enoch.

No longer living to ourselves, but from that point forward living to God and His Divine Ways.

In the end, we may not be taken by God like Enoch was, but still taken by God to an everlasting life.

An everlasting life because we faithfully walked with God and followed the Word.


Lord, may we continue to walk with God.  Knowing that our reconciliation with Him was the best thing we could do. That living according to the Word and striving to please God, grants us our spot in Heaven.  Thank You for always being before us, leading and guiding us.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen