Today’s Reading: Psalms 106 / Romans 8:31-39
Today’s Verse: Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalms 106:1 KJV
In Paris, there was once a bridge that many couples would visit.
On this bridge, as a romantic gesture, couples would etch their initials onto a lock.
They would attach the lock to the railing, and click it shut.
They would then throw the key into the River Seine.
They did this to symbolize everlasting love.
This ritual has been repeated thousands of times.
It got to the point where the bridge could no longer bear the weight of so much “love.”
Fearing the integrity of the bridge, the city removed the “love locks.”
Even though the locks were meant to be a symbol of everlasting love, we know that human love does not always last.
Friends may offend each other and never resolve their differences.
There are family members that argue and refuse to forgive.
Marriages may drift so far apart that they cannot remember why they once decided to marry.
Human love can change frequently.
It is good to know that God’s love never changes.
It is constant and endures forever.
The psalmist acknowledge this when he said, “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever” (Psalms 106:1 KJV).
The everlasting nature of God’s love can be found throughout the Bible.
The greatest proof of His love is the death of His Son.
A death that made it possible for us to receive the love He has for us.
Knowing our love for Him increases our faith.
Opening the doors for us to receive the many blessings He has for us.
His grace reminds us of His promise of eternal life.
It is wonderful to know that nothing will ever separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39 KJV).
When we put our trust in Him, none of our sins or sufferings should prevent our giving glory and praise to the Lord.
His love is always there to see us through.
As believers may we continue to thank Him that we are locked into God’s love forever.
Father, we know that the Saviors’ death and resurrection was the measure of Your love for us. It was Your way of showing that You care for us. That You want only the best for us. We are grateful that You have given us a chance to change our ways.. We are locked into Your love by the Holy Spirit who is living in us. Thank You for Your never-ending love.
In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen