The Best Brand Name

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.  1 John 5:13 KJV 

A brand name is a form of signature that gives credit to the creator of a particular work or service.

A signature that sets it apart from those created by others. 

A symbol.

Our way to tell the difference between a particular product or service from other like or similar brands.

Many entities in the world create name brands.

Varying in prices as a way to present themselves as being able to provide the product or service we need, in a competitive way.

No matter how long they have been around, there is no guarantee that they will provide you with what you need.

The greatest name brand ever created and will provide you with what you need is the name of the Son of God.

A name that can be forever trusted to provide any product or service we could ever want or need.

His death on the cross being the signature that gives credit to the Creator.

The only price involved is our devoting our life to Him.

A symbol that our belief in His name would grant us eternal life. 

Knowing that any questions we have will be answered and His guarantee will never change or end.


Lord, our belief on the name of the Son of God is the best investment we could ever make. A branding we all can receive and be made anew. Giving us the assurance of God’s hearing and answering our prayers. A guarantee that we should truly appreciate. Knowing that as believers we have eternal life. All because of You, the Son of God. The greatest name brand ever created.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen