The Race Is On!

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 1 Corinthians 9:24 KJV 

When we hear the word race, we usually think of a competition.

A competition in which we compete with another person or persons to see who is fastest at covering a set course. 

Seeing who will come in “First Place”.

It can also be defined as achieving an objective or goal.

Which we all should be striving to do.

Just like the apostle witnessed, we are all racers and will come against many competitors.

Reminding us that no matter what we are up against, to ask ourselves what is our true goal.

Our goal should be to move and progress in all that the Lord endeavors for our lives.

Relying and adhering to the Word as the guide to achieve our goals and finish the race.

The Lord being our mentor and the greatest encouragement we could ever have; there to help us persevere and strengthen to finish the course.

Knowing that when we do, our prize for the   “First Place” finish will be a “Heavenly” reward.


Lord,  we all have a race set before us in life. May we run with patience this race, relying on the Word to set our pace, keeping us on track, allowing us to finish and obtain our place in Heaven.  The race is on and we are striving to finish in “First Place.”

In Jesus name we pray, Amen

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