Doctrines are the beliefs or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other groups.
The world is full of different doctrines to choose from.
A personal choice that we all must make.
In this verse, Paul was dealing with the religious doctrines held by the people of Athens.
They worshipped idols, which was definitely contrary to Christianity.
They listened to him, but only because what he was preaching was new to them.
They felt he was the one worshipping a strange god and wanted to just know more. Not because they were willing to change.
Just like in the days of Paul, we encounter people who have different beliefs, but are curious about our beliefs.
They want to hear of God’s Doctrine.
About Jesus and His resurrection.
Some will accept that Jesus is real and died for our sins, while others will remain in their ways.
All we can do is share the Word graciously with others and give them the opportunity to accept it.
Then watch the Spirit take control.
Lord, just like Paul, being able to spread the Word is something we should all desire. Knowing that there are so many who have not heard of You, has gone in the wrong direction or questioned if You are real. That there are those who need to be reminded of Your goodness and come back to You and Your ways. Let Your Spirit take control Lord.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen