Time Well Spent

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.  Psalms 23:2 KJV 

We take the time to handle many things in the course of our day.

A little quiet time is always in order.

When we spend our quiet time with the Lord, we will find ourselves in a better, more promising, place in our lives.

A quiet time where we read the Word, sing a song of praise, say a prayer or a just have a simple talk with the Lord.

The more time we spend with Him, we acknowledge that He is our sanctuary.

Our sacred place of refuge that satisfies our hunger and thirst for living a righteous, peaceful life.

A sacred place where things are calm.

A sacred place where there are no visible currents near us to cause us harm or danger.

It refreshes us.  

Giving us the rest we need from all the things we face in life.

Find your green pastures and still waters.

Placing all your thankfulness and confidence in God’s grace and care.


Lord, we thank You for showing us that the more time we spend with You is where we find ourselves in a better, more peaceful state. We thank God for all the grace and care that is bestowed upon us.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen