But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Colossians 3:8 KJV 

We have many emotions and temptations in our lives.

Emotions and temptations that provoke anger, extreme or otherwise; a desire to do evil; a showing of contempt to God; or the speaking of a language that isn’t appealing.

If we are not careful, our human state of mind is easily pulled into these situations.

These are just a few things the Lord advises us against doing. Things we should avoid. 

Things that should be “put-off”.

In Colossians we are strongly urged to control our minds and bodies from those things that are not of God by following the Word, which is where our strength lies.

If it is not of God, PUT IT OFF.


Lord, We know there are some areas in our lives that we have to work on.  Thank you for being there to help us put them off.  It gets hard sometimes, but we know that you will carry us through it all. Thank you Lord.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen