Too Lead

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.  1 Timothy 4:12 KJV 

I was reading a devotional that gave an example of how some ships that came into a harbor in New York City would wait on what they call “tugs”  to come out to meet them.

Once met, there would be a cable that stretched between the large vessel and the tug enabling the small boat to lead the larger vessel safely to the mooring dock.

A good example that even the young can be used of God to bring the Word.

When they are properly shown what the Lord desires of each of us, they will know how to present what they have learned to others.

They will learn how to use their “tug” to show the love He is bestowing on all of us.

The knowledge and wisdom of His Word.

And it doesn’t stop there.

There are some who may not be young in age but young in the knowledge of Christ.

They too can be used as vessels that tug someone in.

All must be prime examples, showing love to God and keeping a spiritual-mindedness.

The littlest example can have a big influence on someone’s life. Leading them to Christ.


Lord, May our youth see, through the teaching of Your doctrine, that we are one of the tugs You have chosen. Chosen to bring others to You by leading a life that is a prime example of the love You have bestowed on us. Remembering that all of us are spiritually young when we first come to you, but grow daily as we seek Your Word.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen