Trust Leads To Salvation

But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.  
Psalm 13:5 KJV

We are all prone to a particular kind of thought or action. 

Feeling as if we are all alone.

Leading us to actions that can cause us sufferings and lead to regrets.

When these actions begin to occur, that’s the time we need to pray.

Pray just like David did.

Putting our trust in God.

David was going through many things and felt like God had left him.

He was without joy and hope.

But instead of letting his situation overtake him, he began to pray.

Praying for comfort from God.

His prayer of faith that God would have mercy on him prevailed.

His heart was again filled with joy and peace because he believed.

The same results we can receive if we keep the faith and cast all our cares to God.

Outwardly acknowledging  we have put our trust in His mercy and Grace.

That He has been generous in restoring all our comforts.

All our comforts of joy and peace.


Heavenly Father, we all should have the unwavering faith to trust in You. A faith that is more than just believing in You, but knowing that You will do just like You said.  Your salvation is upon us, giving us a great reason that our hearts shall rejoice.  Thank You Father.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen