Ultimate Decisions

If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.  Genesis 4:7 KJV 

“Fork in the road”, an expression that means, a point or situation where one is forced to make a decision.

An expression, for a deciding moment in life where a choice of options are presented and once one is chosen the choice cannot be reversed.

Life is full of choices.  Forks in the road.

Choices that ultimately define our destinies. 

Just like Cain and Abel, we all have a calling on our lives.

God desires for every one of us to have something to do in this world.

Cain and Abel were brothers, but had different things to offer to God.

We all are called of God, but have different things to offer.

We don’t want to be like Cain, jealous and envious of anyone. Showing a proud, unbelieving heart. Rebellious in our ways. Having our offerings rejected by God.

But come before Him like Abel, acknowledging our sin, that there is a call on our lives and diligently seeking the benefits of His mercy and grace. Having our offering accepted by God.

Let us all remember that when we reach that fork in the road, that deciding point in our lives,  the choice we make decides the future course of our life.


Lord we know there are many choices to be made in our lifetime. Help us to remember how important It is to make the right choice, because we can never retrace our path, go back and change anything. That the road leading to You and Your ways is definitely the right choice.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen