My parents and those that really wanted to ensure I stayed safe, have always reminded me to be careful who I associate with.
Not to allow anyone to lead me down the wrong road.
That they might pretend to know something but really does not, which would lead to trouble.
The same holds true in anyone’s youth, as well as, their adulthood.
We must be wise in any and everything that we do. Who we associate with and who we listen too.
It is easy to get caught up with the wrong crowd, earthly principles, and a desire to fit in.
Only when we receive heavenly wisdom, no matter who we are around or what attempts are made to keep us bound by earthly principles, or any desire to fit in, then and only then does the outstanding qualities of the Lord reveal themselves and changes it all.
This is the only way for us to no longer be mislead by those who pretend to be wise.
We all know some things, but the Lord is the only true advisor who has the wisdom and knowledge in all things.
Lord, we thank you for this excellent gift of heavenly wisdom, teachableness, and mercy that You have bestowed on us. For the fruits of righteousness that are forever in our lives. May we continue to receive them without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen