In schools, colleges, universities or in life, there is someone who takes on the role of teacher, staff counselor or advisor.
They are someone that we trust to give us good advise.
We develop a formal relationship with them in belief that they will help us in planning a course for our lives.
A course that will benefit us regarding our short and long-range goals.
They ask pertinent questions regarding what we hope to achieve.
Some will accept the advise and some will not.
There were many disciples that were following the Lord.
Seeking His wisdom and guidance.
Some didn’t like what He was saying about being the Counselor sent by the Father to guide them in the ways of life.
They didn’t accept it and went back to their worldly ways.
That’s when the Lord asked the question of the remaining twelve what they were going to do.
He is asking the same of us.
His Word is the doctrine, the great advice, that leads to eternal life.
We all have to answer the question.
Will we receive His counsel or remain in our worldly ways?
Lord, Thank You for being the greatest advisor we could ever have. For giving us the resources that we need to pursue long-range goals. Goals that lead us to eternal life.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen