Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.  Titus 2:10 KJV 

Teachers have a curriculum that they follow to ensure their students get the proper instructions to pass their class, eventually graduate and have a prosperous life.

The Lord has a Divine curriculum that will teach us everything we need to survive on this journey called life, be a blessing to the kingdom and make it to heaven.

We are not to take His teaching for granted, but  be faithful, obedient and believe in what He has shown us. We are to embellish the teachings of God in all things.

When we do this, we are able to teach others by the way we live, by showing and telling others what the Lord has taught us and how we have made it.

He has trusted us as His servants. Don’t waste what you have learned. Put it to good use.


Lord, thank You for teaching us through Your Word and example.  May our lives reflect that which You desire for others to learn. May the teachings we have learned, and desire to share, help them to receive Your Word and  the blessings that come with it.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen